Perhaps the most common skin-care mistake is applying a synthetic moisturizer after cleansing the skin. I have perhaps not used one in many years now.

Personally, calendula when there is a skin abrasion on kids is the closest I might have come to its use.

Come winter, we are urged by makers of creams and lotions to apply a moisturizer after every bath or every time we step out of our house.

This practice does not have a proper scientific basis and could even harm your skin.

Ayurveda clearly advises us to do just the opposite.

Ayurveda has studied the human skin in great depth and clarity, to give us a skin care road map that actually works and is good for us in all seasons. The classical texts describe the formation of the human skin with a profound analogy: When milk is boiled, the cream rises to the top and covers the surface – similarly the 6 layers of “Tvacha “or skin rise to the top, from the fertilized zygote, to cover the body.

Like the layer of cream, our skin is oily, thin and protects the layers below.

Our Skin contains a very large number of "Srotas" (minute openings / pores), through which the body understands external temperature and humidity, and also removes waste through sweat.

For truly healthy skin, the srotas should be clean, unclogged, at the right pH and with the right level of natural oils.

Using a soap or shower gel strips the skin of natural oils, makes it dry and destroys the optimal pH. Then applying a moisturizes immediately after the bath clogs the srotas, often with toxic chemicals. After this daily assault, it is a wonder that our skin functions at all.

Golden Rule

Oil First, Cleanse After

So here is the summary of the approved Ayurvedic skin-care routine: Apply oil first, cleanse afterwards. Something I greatly enojoy during for myself and my daughter!!

Pre-bath oiling can be of 2 types. One is a full-fledged Abhyanga, which is a head-toe, vigorous, self-massage with the right oil. This Abhynaga , followed by Snana, is a highly beneficial health giving practice , for men and women of all ages, and should be done once or twice a week. It balances the doshas, improves digestion, elimination, sleep and of course gives great skin.

On non-abhyanga days, a gentle application of an herb infused skin oil, can be done daily in winters. In other seasons, the pre-bath skin oil can be applied just on the face, which is exposed to a lot of heat, dust and pollution. This pre-bath skin oil nourishes the skin, keeps the srotas elastic and helps them to function well.

Our Amla Oil, Amla Hibiscus Oil and Bhrami Oil are all excellent for our skin. made in the base oil of sesame oil these are ideal for use as pre bath massage oils.

Our Amla Oil, Amla Hibiscus Oil and Bhrami Oil are all excellent for our skin. made in the base oil of sesame oil these are ideal for use as pre bath massage oils.

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